The Music Times
The Music Times 2025 Calendar
You asked for it. You got it.
The Music Times cover illustrations you love - in a calendar!
12-month 2025 calendar with cover art from The Music Times by Julia Narveson. A great New Year's gift for the music lovers in your life, including yourself. Available NOW.
$25 with shipping included
$20 if picked up at any KWCMS concert or from 57 Young St W, Waterloo (orange box on front porch)
To order, contact Julia Narveson Payment by PayPal, e-transfer or cash. Use Julia's email address for PayPal and e-transfer.
The Music Times
The best source of classical music news in the region
For 18 years, Jean Narveson has been publishing a free bimonthly newspaper, The Music Times, jam-packed with news about the busy classical music scene in our region. Read about upcoming concerts and in-depth articles about music and musicians. All genres of classical music are covered: chamber, vocal, orchestral, wind ensemble, experimental and new music.
Pick up your copy at any KWCMS concert, local libraries, and businesses around town (like Vincenzo's in Waterloo), or read any issue online.